Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A "guest blogger"

As many of you know, the children and I occasionally have interesting dinner conversations. Some nights we discuss what was in the news. Tonight that was the depressing news of Boko Haram and ISIS. Other nights we discuss the mundane of what the upcoming schedule for the week is. Those discussions are really just to make sure I know where I am driving everyone and at what times. Then there are the kind of nights, like last week, where I asked the children how their day at school was.

Well, one child in particular was quite excited about their day last week. We heard about the ENTIRE day. But it was when the child got to the part about a quiz that was taken that day that I just knew I was in trouble. The child explained that they just knew they aced the history quiz, because of what they wrote. With excitement I was told the answer written began with “Once upon a time . . . “ and then the rest was told to me. As an adult who can admit that I took school way too seriously, the fact that the answer began with once upon a time shook me to the very core. As the rest of the answer was given, my head fell into my hands, and I just had this feeling the school was going to call me to tell me that my child needs to take school more seriously. In my mind I was definitely losing parenting points. I also wasn’t sure that I fully believed the answer that I was hearing. So I told my child that I wanted to see this quiz when it was returned.

The quiz has made its way home now. Let’s just say, that all teachers deserve a raise. Especially the teachers, that teach my children.

So now my friends, I present to you the question, and the answer that my child (aka my guest blogger) gave as written (I would scan it, but I’ve been fighting with my scanner):

“When laws are written in any of the 50 state’s constitutions they must follow certain lawmaking process steps. What are the lawmaking steps and why is it important for the states to be specific with the laws and pay very close attention the detail when writing them?”

            Once upon a time, there was a bill, and his name was Bill. Now this bill was unhappy, because mothers of bills aren’t very creative with names, so everyone was named Bill. He wanted to be called Law, and the only way to do this was to go through the VA legislature.
            He went to Richmond, where he was introduced first in the House of Delegates, and then at the annual debutantes ball (which offended him, as he wasn’t a girl.) He next went to the committee of obfuscation and delay. It took a very long time to get through, so he gave everyone gifts of gold, frankincense, and crab legs, with the explanation of preventing shoplifting quarterbacks from screwing up your betting. Each of them said thank you, and that it will help them pick up ladies. So naturally, they sent him along into debate into the house, where he doled out more gifts. He was promptly voted upon, and he won!
            The same process repeated in the Senate. After he won again, he was sent to the governor, and the governor took a look at him and said,
            So Bill said, “I’ll bribe you!”
            “I’m not stupid! If I take bribes, competent people punish me, not my fellow delegates!”
            So Bill had to go away, and so he went to Canada, where Bills roam, and some are called Billy, and the hippies are called Bill E. Goat, but mostly, Bill, eh!

                                                The End.

I'm happy this was a short answer response quiz. I wonder what would be written if there was a long answer response quiz? 


  1. I want gold, frankincense and crab legs for my next birthday. (also, best essay answer ever!)

  2. I was pretty sure which of my "adopted grandchildren" wrote this parable, but when I reached the word "obfuscation" I was positive! Bravo, child! Once again, Amy, I am awed by your parenting skills. Love you all. XOXO

    1. Bettye, I'm not sure it has anything to do with my parenting skills . . . I'm usually a few steps behind! Love you too!
