Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wrapping up the year . . .

As we come to the end of another year, like many I know, I have grown reflective about what has happened during the course of the last 364 days. It has been a year of medical issues (so very thankful everyone is okay now), a year of change (I entered the dating world? How did that happen?), a year of gifts (time spent with loved ones), and a mystery.

Yes, a mystery . . .

About a month ago, I realized Christmas was rapidly approaching. This happened when my Mom called and asked, “What do the children want for Christmas? What do YOU want for Christmas?” Every year this conversation happens. It usually takes place in November, when the serious shopping and wrapping needs to take place. Thankfully, the children are still young enough, they usually create a list, that is easy to share with Mom. A list really makes our lives easier! As for me, the answer is usually, “well, hmmmm, I don’t really know. There is nothing I can really think of that I need. Whatever you find, I know I will love Mom.” Admittedly, I am a pain in the a** when it comes to stuff like this. Pretty sure my Mom won’t argue that point. It boils down to this, I used to be like my crew, and I would have a really long list of everything I absolutely had to have in order to keep going, but now as an adult, I really don’t like asking for things.

However . . . this year was different! When Mom asked the question, that I usually don’t have an answer for, I was prepared! The conversation went something like this:

Mom: Honey, what do you want for Christmas this year?

Me: This year I would really like a Garmin.

Mom: A what?

Me: A Garmin. It’s like a Fitbit, you know the things that count your steps and such, but I would prefer to have a Garmin. You can find them at just about any store, just like the Fitbit. I would wear it like a watch.

Mom: Okay then! A gift idea (I’m pretty sure there was a sigh of relief at this point that I had an answer!)

About a week later, on a Wednesday, as my panic of what am I getting my children for Christmas was kicking in, I was using the fabulous world of the internet to place some orders. My Mom called to discuss my Christmas gift. She wanted to make sure she had the correct information about what kind of Garmin I wanted. She had already been to five different stores, and all of them were sold out at the time! So I opened a new window to the internet to look up the exact one I wanted. I didn’t want to lose the items in “my cart” that contained Christmas gifts for my crew. After a detailed discussion, Mom apologized that it wouldn’t be much of a surprise for a Christmas gift, but she would make sure she had the correct item for me. I’m pretty sure I told her that would be okay, I was going to be thankful for the gift! We ended the conversation with me telling her, I really should finish placing the order I had open for my crew. I completed the order shortly after we said our love you, and talk to you later.

Fast forward to Monday. A box arrived from the store that I had used to place the order for the children. Because I was working, and because my children are always with me, the box sat, unopened until Wednesday. After everyone went to bed, I finally seized the moment to open the box to check that all three of the items I ordered were there, and that they were the correct ones.

When I opened the box, and took out the filler pieces of air, I had a moment, of “What in the world . . . “ Then a moment of, “what did I order?”

There, sitting on top of the three items I ordered, was a Garmin. Not just any one either, but the one I had told my Mom about. The one that I specifically wanted. I wondered if I had accidentally ordered it, so I pulled out the packing slip to see. There on the packing slip, the list only included three items. Not one of them was a Garmin. I turned on the computer and checked my online order. Only the three items for the crew were listed. What in the world had happened?

I called Mom. Talk about throwing someone for a loop . . . she had just found what I wanted about two hours prior to my phone call! She still had it in the car with her. We agreed, it’s just weird. Why would the only thing I asked for show up in this box?

I called a friend. I was in a bit of shock. We agreed, it was odd as to why would the only thing I asked for show up in this box? I said, I am definitely calling the store. In good conscious, I can’t just keep this.

I thought about it all day Thursday.

On Friday, I called the customer service line. I explained to the lovely woman, the entire story. I said this is the only thing that I have asked for, for Christmas this year. I told her about looking up the information for my Mom while I was placing the order, but looked on a different web site. She pulled up all the orders for all the Amy Deckers (there are quite a few of us as it turns out), and not one of them had placed an order for a Garmin that I might have received by mistake.

She then asked me, who else knew what you wanted for Christmas? Did your husband know? Maybe he ordered it, and had them add it to your order?

I took a deep breath.

I said well, actually, he passed away three years ago.

I could hear her indrawn breath. Followed, by the words, I am so very sorry.

We were both silent for a moment.

Then she said, Amy, here’s the thing. I can’t find anything here on the computer as to why you mysteriously received the only thing you asked for, in the box of items for your children. What I do know, is you have a Guardian Angel looking out for you, and you are going to keep the gift. I hope you have a blessed Christmas.

So here I am at the end of the year, pondering what has happened this year, the good, the bad, the odd . . . 

What are you thinking about as the year comes to a close?


  1. What an incredible story! Thank you for writing it. I hope we can (finally) connect in the new year :)

    1. We will definitely connect in 2016! I'm looking forward to it, as things begin to slow down after the holiday celebrations!!

  2. Goodness! That is mysterious and wonderful at the same time. And your poor mom gets aced out of the one thing she was asked to get you. But still...

    1. It really was crazy! Thankful Mom was understanding :)
